Everything about politics
The ACT Party’s Highly Influential Year
The only serious restraint on Seymour’s power will be his fellow minor party leader Winston Peters. Christopher Luxon and National seem to find themselves repeatedly outmatched by him.
The Best and Worst of 2024
One thing for certain is that President Trump is a great friend of Israel and has declared that he not only wants American-Israeli hostages back, he wants them all given back.
Thinking Smart and Dumb About Flat Earth
By introducing a false binary, you can easily steer people to the next logical conclusion, like redirecting a river.
This Judge Needs to Be Sacked
A drunk dud judge attacks Winston Peters at a private function, and she’s in charge of the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court!
The Need to Make Bigger Cuts
The government has been fiddling around the edges; the opposition are living in cloud cuckoo land as they moan about cuts.
Denmark Passes the World’s First ‘Fart Tax’
Cow farts are a distraction and the joke’s on us. The Danish tax is a significant step toward the state ownership of the means of production. The issue is essentially about control.