Everything about politics
The Pigs at the Trough Are Squealing
If we axed all of the researchers who have received funding in the past six years then I suspect that not a tear would be shed by voters, and the universities wouldn’t miss them either.
The Slater Plan – How to Fix the Ferry Problem
This is sure to succeed: it ticks all the necessary boxes, will get the support of the opposition and provides a real, sustainable solution.
This Is Not Even Convincing the Alarmists
This is not a good time to abandon energy security by transitioning away from reliable carbon fuels to intermittent solar and wind power requiring expensive backup facilities. Northwest Europe may be facing several decades of colder winters ahead.
I Doubt Will Anyone Notice
Health bosses are swinging the axe half-heartedly, announcing hundreds more jobs are to go. They should be announcing thousands of cuts, not hundreds.
Face of the Day
The trial has deepened a rift between the Victorian Liberal party’s conservative and moderate factions – and the result will likely lead to speculation of a leadership challenge.
Can They Capitalise on This?
Now that parliament has polarised into rival coalitions, voter and media attention may turn much more to the proposed policies of the minor parties.