Everything about politics
Chris Hipkins’ Strategy for Labour
Labour and Hipkins continue with their very deliberate lackadaisical strategy.
There Will Be No Swimming in Denial for You Mr Luxon
Roy Morgan confirms the Post poll. Christopher Luxon can’t deny the downward slide any longer.
How the Ancient Greeks Protected Democracy
The Athenian practice of exiling citizens who allegedly posed a threat to democracy sounds crude, but also familiar.
Christopher, You Know Denial Is a River in Egypt, Right
‘It's not what we’re seeing’: PM Luxon on poll showing hung parliament.
Faces of the Day
The changes will enable Aucklanders to influence the transport decisions that affect their daily lives.
The Problems With Property Taxes
If you are paying to live on your own property, you don’t really own it at all. Especially given that the government has the authority to evict you and sell it off if you fail to pay the property taxes.
Will the Politicians Learn Anything, Though?
The opaque and constrained nature of the commission itself suggests that mistrust is still warranted. Why would a government set such limited terms of reference if there was nothing to conceal?
In Government, but Not in Power
Voters they can put a party into government, but not into power.