Early NZ in the Bay of Islands
Visiting these sites in the Bay of Islands really is a must-do experience once you have an understanding of the history beyond the sanitised bits.
In depth political articles for VIP members
Visiting these sites in the Bay of Islands really is a must-do experience once you have an understanding of the history beyond the sanitised bits.
For true political tragics like myself, election night will provide some excitement purely from the delight of watching data trickle in. However, the preceding few months promise to be an extraordinary bore.
The hungry ghosts of our ancestors have a plan for us. And they are smarter than you can possibly appreciate.
Echoes of Menzies’ epochal ‘forgotten people’ speech.
The case for judicial (and bureaucratic) manslaughter laws.
If you have the gall to claim you are oppressed by freedom… maybe it’s your fault.
I made sure, for us conservative folk, that Christmas came early this year.
What a year it has been. There has been a big vibe shift across the Western world, and the Anglosphere in particular.
By introducing a false binary, you can easily steer people to the next logical conclusion, like redirecting a river.
The Jacinda Ardern story (part two). Another exclusive excerpt from her upcoming memoir.
How Gough Whitlam dragged Labor into the anti-Semitic mud.
Such comments reveal just how frayed the bonds of constitutional loyalty have become and how little stock the opposition parties now put in the democratic norms of representative government.
Australia has very few free-speech protections and it doesn’t need the prime minister making knee-jerk attacks on what exists to look tough on the domestic stage.
Social media has repeatedly been proven the best way to win without explosions.