Real Good Oil
In depth political articles for VIP members

Can the Woke Left-Wing Leopards Change Their Spots?
This is Chris Hipkins’ toughest challenge: to persuade the voters that his left-wing leopards have, indeed, become conventionally gendered, non-woke pussy cats.
National’s New Ute Tax
I’m definitely getting a lot older, but the National playbook to scam voters is frozen in time.
Clock Ticking for Luxon and Coalition
New Zealanders need to feel increased prosperity through significant economic growth long before the 2026 general election or Luxon risks becoming National’s only one-term prime minister.

Is Kiwi Money No Good Around Here?
Winston Peters won’t change Luxon’s mind. But you can. You can offer to fund any new infrastructure projects. You can choose to invest in New Zealand and build a home for your grandkids where the people in power are incentivised to do the right thing.

Aus Politics: A Guide for the Perplexed Good Oiler
With an Australian election fast approaching, here’s a guide to the basics.
A Better Idea
Donald Trump’s instinct is to relocate the inhabitants, flatten what’s left and build the sort of city that people from all around the world would want to inhabit.
Rogue Bureaucrats and Feeble Ministers
All these left-wing indoctrination courses across every professional body could be removed today. The problem is the coalition, and National in particular, do not want them gone.

Don’t Just Yell at Luxon, Demand Better Civil Servants
All prime ministers are political eunuchs. Please try to keep that in mind.

Having a Chat Over Coffee
The SUP would rather keep control of the losing side, than lose control of the winning side. Labour’s exactly the same.

We Need A Confident Germany
If you like Western civilisation, you should encourage a confident Germany, because within the Black Forest beats the heart of the European spirit.
How to Tell a Real Nazi
Nazi-appropriation is an insult to us true believers. Please respect our identity.

Not Sorry About the Country We’ve Built
Australians think they’ve built a great country – and they won’t be shamed into denying it.
Fascism in the USA? Not Even Close
Only a rejuvenated and aggressive left, with the working class behind it, could secure the triumph of fascism in America – and no such left exists.