Real Good Oil
In depth political articles for VIP members
If Argentina Can, NZ Should Too
While NZ’s National Government uses the cost-of-living crisis as justification to continue spending more than it takes in tax revenue, Argentina has a much more serious cost-of-living crisis that is fuelling President Milei’s determination to slash state spending to surplus levels within one year.
Support What You Love or It Goes Away
Understand that this rule is still in force today. The state does not want you to ‘do’ anything too dangerous. It much prefers that you focus on gathering ‘knowledge’ – but only the right kind.
They Are Useful Idiots and Bloody Fools
The actions of the useful idiots cannot be excused by their blood or religious ties. They act out of ignorance or, worse, a mob mentality that abdicates moral or political decision-making to whatever will get them the most likes on social media.
The Most Philosophical Movie Ever Made
Action, adventure, violence, free will, self and reality in ‘Total Recall’.
Who Are We?
We must talk about the multicultural strategy of our political parties, because this census data is very important to them and their electoral policy.
Kicking The Dog Until It Bites
Iran is like a dog wandering around without knowing it has been marked for kicking. It has no clue that all the kicking is part of the plan. Power wants it to bite back.
The Enemies of David Seymour
He remains pleasant and grins cheerfully as they call him a racist white supremacist and baby murderer to his face. This makes them hate him even more. It’s an excellent strategy.
Australians’ Freedom of Speech Is on the Line
Labor has put its Orwellian online censorship bill to parliament for a second time.
Death of Christianity is the Death of Nation
The wrong political theology is popular only because it is the only socially acceptable form of theology.
The Australian Govt Blames Profit for Inflation
Profitable businesses are frequently targeted by politicians in an obscene exercise of vote gathering. However, unlike politicians, profitable businesses are absolutely essential to economic prosperity for everyone.
Surviving in This Multicultural Market State
Assuming you already have a tribe, the correct way to approach life in a market state is to focus on looting the treasury by any means necessary.
A Guide to Political Assassination
An attempt on Donald Trump’s life was made by the Frank Spencer of hitmen. Contrast this with the excellence of the Israelis and their exploding pagers.
Labor’s Red Wall Totters and Sways
The next two years are shaping up as brutal for Labor.