Who Is Responsible When Missions Go Wrong
If space tourists become stranded, there’s a possibility – in law at least – they could be left to fend for themselves.
If space tourists become stranded, there’s a possibility – in law at least – they could be left to fend for themselves.
This isn’t about helping families. It’s another bloated, mismanaged government program, distorting the market and throwing millions down the drain.
Swiss startup claims to eradicate 99 per cent of ‘forever chemicals’.
No government has the right to take away our food choices. There is a growing body of science on our side and a lot of time-honoured wisdom to remind us that in the final analysis truth alone triumphs.
If the power for the North Island were produced from geothermal plants with Bitcoin mining as the guaranteed buyer, there would be no limit to how much energy we could produce to bring prices down and boost other heavy industry.
The key is to understand how the market works.
If governments can compel tech companies to break encryption, digital privacy risks becoming a privilege reserved for the ideologically compliant – not an inalienable right.
The Fourth Estate abrogated its societal responsibilities a long time ago. Alongside losing their monopolies on distribution channels, they no longer enjoy a technology advantage and, indeed, are struggling to keep up with these types of innovations.
This undermines the security and privacy of us all.
The techno phenomenon that could threaten US AI dominance and help Trump lower costs.
Dodgy is as dodgy does. The new Chinese AI is dangerous: don’t use it.
How a workaholic programmer revolutionised two fields.
The hungry ghosts of our ancestors have a plan for us. And they are smarter than you can possibly appreciate.