New Zealand Teachers Speaking Out with Science Incorporated
NZTSOS Inc. (New Zealand Teachers Speaking Out with Science Incorporated) is SHOCKED and DISAPPOINTED that their challenge of the mandatory mandating of the Education Sector has been unsuccessful.
Mike Shaw Deputy Chairperson of NZTSOS said. “We are shocked that our case has been unsuccessful especially when the same judge ruled in favour of the Police and Defence Force. Does this mean that there is one form of Human Rights for our police and Defence Force and another for Educational Staff?
Today’s ruling reflects that the courts of New Zealand appear to be prepared to support the Government’s determination to overrule the NZ Bill of Rights in spite of all of the evidence presented before the court that the vaccine mandate order is not fit for purpose. We will be consulting with our legal team as to where to go from here”.
The pillars of the Teachers case presented by their Lawyer Sharyn Green were;
• “The order breached the human rights of every teacher, principal, BOT member, RTLB, support worker, administrator or grounds person in the education sector who has lost their job or been coerced or compelled into taking the vaccine. Also, let’s not forget those who have been vaccine injured because they took the vaccine to keep their job”. He went on to say; “Many of our most experienced teachers were poorly treated through this time and some Principal’s / Boards of Trustees may be facing personal grievance cases being bought against them”.
• “The science just didn’t stack up. The Ministry of Health themselves said ‘Schools are low risk’” and a recent article says that our tamariki are more likely to catch Covid at home than at school. homethan-school
• “Kiwis from all walks of life are over these mandates”. cent-of-kiwissupport-antimandate-protest . As teacher’s we have felt for our students, parents and the School Community as they adjusted to losing educators that they had built an important learning and community relationship with.
Mr Shaw went on to say; “NZTSOS will be consulting with our legal team as to where we go to from here, but we are likely to appeal.”