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Tell Me Lies Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

Entrepreneur rejecting offering from man with outstretched hand
Photo by Monstera. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Earlier this year we wrote about the Post Vaccine Symptom Check (PVSC), the survey some Kiwis were asked to fill out after they had received their primary vaccination or their booster dose.

There was a tick box segment asking about the common expected symptoms (sore arm, headache, fever, fatigue) but there was also a free text box that people could fill in.

The reports that Medsafe published showed that people had the common expected side effects.  The survey couldn’t really show anything else because it didn’t ask about anything serious such as strokes, heart attacks or sudden death, and the only way people could report on unusual or unexpected post vaccine symptoms was via the text box.

However, no comments appear to have been made in the published reports about what people had written in the free text boxes.  Did they describe their Bell’s palsy, shingles, blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, stillbirth etc.?

We asked for this free text information but the OIA team at Health New Zealand has been obfuscating the issue.  They initially declined to provide it on the basis that it was subject to privacy regulations and was confidential, and providing the information might prejudice the provision of such information in the future.

When asked for it again, pointing out that anonymised information does not come under the Privacy Act, Health NZ once again declined to provide the information.  They waited till the end of the twenty-working-day limit to request an extension of time and waited till the end of the second twenty-working-day period to say they would not provide the information on the same basis – it might prejudice the provision of such data in the future.

So, all the people who filled out the post-vaccine symptom check survey thinking they were doing a service to fellow New Zealanders will be disappointed to know that whatever they wrote in the free text box is unlikely to see the light of day.  If they were wanting to let fellow Kiwis know of their horrendous neurological symptoms, their stroke, myocarditis, debilitating fatigue, tinnitus etc, they will be disappointed.

With all the other compromised data and evidence of lies and deceit behind the scenes currently being revealed, it would be interesting to know what level of harm was actually reported to Medsafe via the PVSC.  What Medsafe has reported so far is a benign whitewashed reassurance.

Watch: Post Vaccine Symptom Checks via the USA V-Safe System

This short video details what happened with a similar post-marketing monitoring system in the US called V-Safe.  Their questionnaire looks remarkably similar to ours and the information in their open text boxes is also being withheld.

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Please join with us in asking Health New Zealand to
make this information available to the public.


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