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Tell Someone Stuck in a Camp about Your ‘Compassion’

Anthony Albanese: hypocrite. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

You know, for a mob who are forever banging on about “equity”, and caring for the world’s most vulnerable, the asylum-seeker fetishists seem awfully bent on giving a leg-up to determined law-breakers with the means of jumping over the backs of the world’s most wretched.

Every time an illegal immigrant with a bogus sob-story is allowed to stay in Australia, or New Zealand, or Europe, a genuinely desperate refugee lacking the ten thousand dollars to pay a criminal people-smuggling cartel is left to rot in a camp for years longer.

It is the simple reality that with all the goodwill in the world, Australia cannot take in all the people deemed refugees, let alone all those claiming refugee status.

Therefore, a policy of prioritisation needs to be developed and followed.

The previous government determined a policy based on considering those most in need and deemed to be refugees by the United Nations as an appropriate commencement point.

Like it or not, there is queue to get into Australia. Relatively wealthy people are being encouraged to jump right over it.

In doing so, another family languishing in a refugee camp somewhere else in the world that had been determined to be of refugee status was necessarily denied entry to Australia. Hardly humanitarian.

When a bogus fakefugee exploits not only people-smuggling crime gangs but the useful idiots and ambulance-chasing lawyers on the Australian taxpayer dime, the losers are both ordinary Australians and poor people trying to do the right thing and being punished for it.

Issues of equity must immediately spring to the fore in the mind of any person concerned with fairness.

What do those who legally entered Australia but were not allowed to stay have going through their minds? Or those who accepted the situation and went back to their home country or settled in a country that was not their first choice?

How about those who have waited patiently applying through the correct channels?

Why is priority being given to those who gate-crashed Australia?

And above all, what about those who have waited in unsanitary refugee camps hewn from the jungles of Western Thailand? Some of whom have been waiting 20 years for resettlement.

Sucks to be them: the bleeding hearts of the asylum seeker lobby are reserving all their sympathies for the armies of fit young men from the middle-East and Africa, and former Tamil Tigers who squeeze out a few photogenic anchor babies.

Still, the people smugglers aren’t complaining.

One sector that this retrograde policy move will energise will be the criminal syndicates engaged in people smuggling. The promotional/advertising value of this policy change to the nefarious people smugglers will be literally gold […]

In the meantime, the new government, with its Biloela family and RSV policy, has signalled to the world that if you arrive in Australia illegally and stay long enough using every avenue available, you will ultimately be allowed to stay—albeit at the expense of other would-be entrants with perhaps, a more pressing and genuine need for asylum.

The Epoch Times

That’s because, for all their posturing and preening, the only real moral compass of the asylum seeker lobby is stroking their own egos and parading their assumed virtue for the admiration of their well-off friends.

People waiting in refugee camps for decades can go hang. If they wanted to get the attention of the asylum seeker lobby, they should have been wealthy enough to pay a people smuggler.
