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Person Holding Terrestrial Globe Scale Model Taken
Photo by Artem Beliaikin. The BFD.

Here at The BFD we currently have writers based in New Zealand, Australia, Israel, Hong Kong and the UK but we have readers from many other countries.

This article is a shout out to writers in other countries asking you to please consider writing an article for The BFD telling us what life is like currently inside your country. We would value your insights as a citizen on the ground.

We can already see the similarities to New Zealand with how some Australian states are handling Covid and Dr Lionred’s articles on the UK ( Letters from the North) have also opened our eyes to what life is like on the ground there.

Reports from average citizens provide us with unique and realistic insights so if you are not from New Zealand and would to tell us all about life in your country please don’t hesitate to e-mail me today.

sb at
