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truth lies deception

Sir Bob Jones

To the best of my knowledge this Blog alone in New Zealand has in recent months hammered the cold hard, brutal reality that Health Minister Hipkins, not once but twice, gave assurances six months ago, that we’re at the head of the queue for Covid vaccinations, was sheer bull-shit.

I was a lone voice on this, which I attributed to the government’s insinuation of meaningful financial support for the print media. Thus, they shut up on this critical issue.

But now, having realised that the implied financial support was an empty promise, they’re speaking out.

Both the Stuff chain and the New Zealand Herald have in recent weeks published a number of articles demanding the government come clean about our vaccine situation. To this then hedge with vague date promises.

One indisputable, cold hard fact now clear, is that far from being at the head of the queue, we weren’t even in it.

So while the likes of Zimbabwe for God’s sake, enters it’s sixth week of public vaccinations, we haven’t even started.

According to my various journalist and other sources, Jacindamania is now fading. This situation is scandalous and if slow-witted, gradually the public will wake to it. It may well prove to be a fatal blow to the government’s election prospects.

On that note, if National seems moribund, remember the well proven political adage that Oppositions don’t win power, rather governments lose it.

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