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I was reading an opinion piece by Duncan Garner yesterday about the Christchurch terrorist and it struck me that he actually thinks that an idea can be controlled.

[…] They like to inspire others if they can and their need for a platform is crucial. They crave it. […] That’s why from the PM down the alleged gunman has been denied his time to dance in front of the public. The trial will be tight. The media coverage will be limited. No chances are being taken. He will be denied a chance to shout his white power mantra.
As media we know the rules. No-one wants a copycat crime. No-one wants to be responsible for inciting similar hate. So keep it tight.

Dangerous words and ideas thrive on censorship. Only open debate in a free market place can defeat them and rob them of their power. Media and the PM are deluded if they really think that not saying Tarrant’s name will rob him of his power and that limited coverage of the trial will prevent a copy cat crime.

It is the same flawed logic behind not covering suicides openly. The Media fear that open coverage will encourage copy cats when what is really needed is a frank discussion about suicide so that people who are feeling hopeless will learn that it is not the answer and that they should seek help.

The way to take away Tarrant’s power is not to censor his manifesto and ideas but to forensically pull them apart. Banning his manifesto has fed the perception that it is something dangerous and powerful when it should be revealed for the piece of propaganda that it actually is.

Words are powerful and only other words can defeat them. We don’t protect ourselves by not talking about Tarrant we take away his power and defeat him by ripping his ideas to shreds.
