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The Amazing Treaty of Waitangi

Reconstruction of the Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, Marcus King Author Archives New Zealand.

Sir Bob Jones

This totally redundant treaty, applying to circumstances nearly two centuries ago, has spawned a truly astonishing “industry” in claims as to what it meant, despite never actually saying as much.
The latest and most absurd comes from something called the Health Coalition Aotearoa, specifically, (lie down before reading further) “The burden of obesity has been disproportionately carried by Maori and Pacifica – half of all Maori adults are obese and a third of rangatahi (children) overweight or obese. More than 71% of Pacifica adults and half of children are overweight or obese.”

According to this nonsense outfit, this is apparently the government’s, or in other words the public’s fault and a breach of the Treaty. Extending the treaty to Pacifica is no sillier than the numerous other ludicrous claims relating to it.

I first went to Samoa 60 years ago and travelled all over from village to village. Trust me, there were no fat Samoans. That’s certainly not the case today. But it’s not just islanders and Maoris. Ask anyone over 60 and they will snap out the name of the sole fat kid at their school half a century ago who was such a stand-out, their names remain etched in their memories.

What’s happened since is the weak-minded stuffing themselves with rubbish, except, of course, Maori and Islanders who apparently have been held down and force-fed with fried filth, contrary to a specific clause in the Waitangi Treaty banning this.

One in five British homes doesn’t have a kitchen table. Why? They’re the working classes so many of whom who also feed on fried filth, eating with their fingers. Thus Britain’s high covid death toll, singularly attributable to obesity, the Brits having Europe’s fattest people.

Maoridom will never rescue itself from its domination of the worst statistics so long as there are idiots telling them it’s not their fault and blurting out those magical words “The Treaty”.

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