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The “Anti-racists” Who like Punching Black Folks

Philip Anderson was sucker-punched by an Antifa goon for being black and for free speech. The BFD.

For self-proclaimed “anti-racists”, Antifa have an odd penchant for inflicting violence on people of colour. From Asian-American journalist Andy Ngo to black conservative journalist Andrew Duncomb, Antifa are ever-ready to come down on any non-white person who dares leave the left-wing plantation.

The latest victim of “anti-racist” violence against black people is Philip Anderson, a black organiser of “Team Save America”, a free speech group.

A black Trump supporter was seen getting punched by an alleged antifa member after organizing a free speech event in San Francisco.

“Antifa attacked me for literally no reason,” Philip Anderson tweeted Saturday, accompanied by a video of the incident.

Anderson organized the free speech rally following Twitter’s censorship of a New York Post article concerning Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.

The attacker was masked, of course, but sported prominent tattoos – as well as a knuckle-duster concealed in a glove.

“Here’s the moment that Trump supporter Philip Anderson was sucker punched by someone in black clothing and mask, presumably Antifa. You can see tooth flying. SFPD investigating; those tattoos are distinctive. Anderson organized free speech rally today, to protest Twitter bans,” local ABC reporter Dan Noyes tweeted.

“Take a good look, you knocked a black man’s teeth out,” said Anderson.

“The violence needs to end,” he added. “It has nothing to do with Donald Trump or anyone else. It has to do with free speech.”

Anderson also posted a video of himself, showing one tooth was knocked out from the attack, and another tooth was loose.

It seems rather odd that someone could get their teeth knocked out by “just an idea”.

Philip Anderson was sucker-punched by an Antifa goon for being black and for free speech. The BFD.
Joe Biden, do you still think that Antifa is ‘just an idea’?” he said in a tweet, referring to Biden’s comments on antifa during the first presidential debate last month.

Anderson had received a permit to hold the rally on Saturday but called off the event due to the violence.

“Too bad it got canceled, that’s what happens when you lose free speech, this is what our country has turned into,” Anderson told the crowd.

People defending constitutional rights are beaten in the streets by black-shirted freikorps and billionaire oligarchs summarily “un-person” news stories critical of their political cronies.

We live in times when blacks and Jews are, we are told, “Nazis”. Truly, as H. L. Mencken wrote, Fascism “is very apt to come in under the name of anti-Fascism”.

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