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The BFD.

There’s a reason my First Law of the Media is: Never Believe a Headline.

Don’t just skim a legacy media headline and lede and think you’ve got the truth. Always read the whole article, because, too often, the headline is starkly opposite to what the article is really reporting.

Case in point:

Transgender hate crimes up 87% in Scotland.

As William Blake so wisely wrote, A truth that’s told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent. Fake news is rarely outright lies. One of the most common fake news gambits, especially from the legacy media, is False Connection: “when headlines, visuals or captions don’t support the content”. Or, as Tolkien put it, writing of the arch-liar Satan-figure Melkor in The Silmarillion, “lies were mingled with the truth, and aught that was good was hidden or distorted”.

In this case, the BBC hides and distorts nearly everything.

A report from the Crown Office said there were 84 charges aggravated by transphobia in 2021-22, compared with 45 the previous year.

What the BBC doesn’t tell you is that “transphobia” includes “misgendering”, so even calling a hulking bloke in a dress “sir” is a supposed ‘hate crime’.

Leaving even that aside, ‘transgender hate crimes’ are still incredibly rare: Fuck all multiplied by 87 per cent is still fuck all.

Even worse, the BBC is minimising and belittling the most common victims of hate crimes by burying them under the screeching gender-confused attention-seekers.

Meanwhile, hate crimes towards people with disabilities rose by 44% to 666.

It is the first time these crimes have overtaken those aggravated by religious prejudice, of which there were 512.

But the biggest insult and lie-by-omission in the BBC’s headline and lede is this: hate crimes are in fact declining. Even with ever-more-restrictive laws, they’re fast running out of even made-up ‘hate’.

Racially-aggravated incidents remained the most common form of hate crime, with 3,107 charges filed over the period – a decline of 7% […]

Overall, the number of hate crimes charges reported was 5,640, marginally less – down 0.2% – than the 5,654 charges reported in 2020-21.


The media are lying to you. They are selling you a deliberately distorted picture of reality.

Never, ever forget that.
