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The BBC Slithers onto the World’s Creepiest Bandwagon

Jimmy Savile, Britain’s most prolific paedophile, employed by the BBC. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

I wish I could stop writing posts reporting what the left are doing to normalise paedophilia today. I will when they stop doing it. Until then, I would be derelict in my journalistic duty – shirking from reporting the truth.

Because the truth is that, every day, a significant segment of the left-media are pushing the boundaries, testing the limits, trying to win new converts. This episode of Today in Normalising Paedophilia is brought to you by that bastion of Establishment Leftism, the BBC.

British broadcasting network the BBC has published an article suggesting that pedophiles need “help” not “condemnation” in a strange attempt to normalize pedophilia.

The BBC, it must be remembered, not only employed and enabled, but actively ran cover for decades for one of Britain’s most prolific paedophiles. The BBC also warranted a mention just the other week, with its “porn for kids” call.

Now it’s joining the slew of left-media op-eds calling for paedophilia to be re-classified as a “sexuality” rather than a crime. The next logical step, of course, being to campaign for that “sexuality” to be legalised.

The author of the article, who mysteriously has remained anonymous, declares that pedophilia is just a “disorder” likening it to sexual orientation like “being gay”.

The tone of the article is almost like one of victimhood, a fear that if he was “outed” as a pedophile, it would lead to “violence” and “physical attacks.”

This is an almost boilerplate copy of the campaign in the 70s to normalise and then decriminalise homosexuality. But there is a huge difference between recognising the validity of consensual acts between adults and seeking sympathy for child-rape.

As South Park said: “Dude… You have sex with children. You know, we believe in equality for everybody, and tolerance, and all that gay stuff, but, dude… f–k you.”

This is just the latest feint in the long game to normalise one of the worst crimes imaginable.

This follows a troubling pattern in far left news publications. In September of 2015, Salon posted a piece referring to pedophilia as a “sexual identity.”

The Salon piece also featured a video with the author, Todd Nickerson, from virtuous pedophiles (yes, you read that correctly) in which he also referred to pedophilia as a sexual orientation.

Neon Nettle

More recently, Australia’s taxpayer-funded broadcaster, the ABC, sent a memo to staff, instructing them not to refer to convicted child sex offenders as “paedophiles”. Because that would “demonise” the “non-offending” paedophiles.

Yes, “non-offending paedophile” is a thing now. They even have an appropriately ‘rainbow’ acronym (NOMAP, “Non-Offending Minor-Attracted Person”) and flag.

A flag which was, perhaps not coincidentally, recently featured in children’s program, Blue’s Clues.

You’re not being paranoid if they really are “coming for your kids”.

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