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As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.

Today’s comment was written by George. Thank you George for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.

I have just been listening to Janis Joplin. She stole a “Piece of my heart” back in the day. She would be 78 today had she lived beyond 27. Her voice could suck the gravel out of a tar-sealed road and then lick it smooth again. I loved her performances, but her authenticity is what struck me. What you saw is what you got, rough and ready. She made it against impossible odds. “Authenticity”. Now there’s a word that has almost been deleted from politics. Manifestos are not worth the paper they are written on and the people who administer the country’s progress are as authentic as a five-dollar Rolex.

Apparently our brilliant PM has discovered that poverty can be eliminated by giving people more money. Every small business has also discovered that selling more goods and services will rescue them from bankruptcy. Every earning taxpayer has discovered that financial stress could be eliminated by earning more money. But only the PM has the extraordinary skill to achieve these goals. Her skill set and wisdom is a talent to behold. Reward the unproductive sector by punishing the productive. She’s an economic genius. Let’s borrow, using the sweat of the producer as collateral, so as the unproductive lives’ can be elevated to that of the productive. If a dummy like her can receive $500,000 pa from the producer’s sweat, why can’t the rest of her team of no hopers aim for the stars?

State support has become an entrenched entitlement. It is no longer a hand up. Far too many have no desire to progress their lives from dependency to self support. The PM keeps reminding us her motivation as a politician was to eliminate child poverty, but as always it is you and I who feed and clothes these children, provide their parents with an income and even then, Ardern just isn’t bright enough to know that the lack of money is never the problem. Ardern has domesticated her flock of pet beneficiaries as we do to animals. Why would fluffy hunt wildlife if a bowl of Fancy Feast was provided twice a day in a nice warm house? We, the productive, have learnt to live in the wild. It is about time some of these beneficiaries were taken for a ride in the country and let loose.

Janis Joplin: (beneficiaries plea to Ardern)
“Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town?
I’m counting on you, Lord, please don’t let me down
Prove that you love me and buy the next round.”

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