As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.
Today’s comment was written by Purple Flower. Thank you Purple Flower for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.
A child cannot legally consent to sexual contact. Even if a child wants to have sexual relations, it is against the law and called statutory rape because children are deemed not mature enough to make such decisions. They cannot choose to drink alcohol, they cannot choose to smoke. There is a long list of things that minors are not legally qualified to do because they are deemed not mature enough to make those choices.
That is why they need to reach the age of majority before they have the full rights to act on their own behalf. That is why there are separate laws covering minor children and separate courts for dealing with their cases.
Yet as mind-boggling as it seems, young children are deemed fully competent and mature enough to whimsically decide what gender they choose to be. Apparently, it may even be illegal to provide counselling. So while is it not OK to touch a child, or leave them unattended, and so on, it is perfectly OK to go ahead and mutilate a child, likely causing permanent psychological and physical damage to the child, simply based upon the child’s decision.
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