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With Israeli leaders by his side, the American president prepared to “make history” by releasing an ambitious Mideast peace plan that he believes has a “very good chance” of success.
President Donald Trump said Monday that while the Palestinians have already rejected his proposed Mideast peace deal with Israel, he expects they ultimately will agree to the blueprint the White House plans to announce following meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his chief challenger Benny Gantz.
While Trump is expected to publicly release the plan on Tuesday, the Palestinians soundly rejected the plan, without first learning its contents.
“It’s something [the Palestinians] should want,” Trump said in the Oval Office with Netanyahu. “They probably won’t want it initially. I think in the end they will. I think in the end they’re going to want it. It’s very good for them.”
[…] On Monday, Netanyahu hailed Trump’s “Deal of the Century” as a chance to “make history” and define Israel’s final borders.
Meanwhile, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh denounced the still-unpublished proposal again Monday in Ramallah, saying it “doesn’t constitute a basis for resolving the conflict.”

The Palestinian leadership is the BIGGEST obstacle to peace. Their turning down of a peace proposal BEFORE they even know what the contents are, illustrate perfectly the root cause of the ongoing conflict. They don’t want peace.

The BFD.

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