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It is quite an art form speaking Left-wingese so The BFD team and I sat down to compile a “How to” guide. The art is in the spin. Words that portray the facts need to be replaced by cuddly PC terms.

Below is the factual word or phrase on the left in bold with its left-wingese cuddly PC translation on the right.

Please feel free to add any that we missed in the comments.

Abortion: Women’s Health; also see Healthcare

Male prisoners: Men in care

Benefits: Entitlements

Gang members: Men in their twenties

Failed to meet targets: Readjustment

Completely Failed: Reset

Maori prison population: Institutionalised Racism; also see Colonialism

Virtue signalling brown women: Women of colour

Screws: Carers

Male Maori: Male with olive skin

While we were doing nothing in opposition: 9 years of neglect

Illegal Migrants: Honorary Citizens

Taxes: Levies

Tax take: Public money; also see Free stuff
