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The BFD Is the Ultimate Political Focus Group

people seated on table in room
Photo by Leon. The BFD

Dear NZ Politicians

did you know that The BFD is the ultimate Focus Group?

Writing for us puts your ideas in front of our substantial audience and the comment section provides you with feedback that you normally would have to pay big bucks for.

Our readers are your existing or potential future supporters so why not write for a Media site that isn’t left-wing for a change?

Politicians who contribute columns to biased left-wing media are yelling into the wind.

The BFD is your natural home and the best place to reach the people most interested in hearing what you have to say.

We are not funded by taxpayer dollars like the left-wing Media so we are 100% independent.

Why not support us with your personal subscriptions and also provide us with political content?

Newsroom recently pocketed $217,641 for a site with less traffic than The BFD.

The least you can do is support us with your personal subscription.

Scoop, a press release site with no advertising and a freemium subscription model picked the taxpayers pocket for $168,509.

Isn’t it well past time that you became a member of The BFD?

We perform well against major media organisations.

The BFD v. Major Media
Overall, it is safe to say that The BFD is the fifth most popular news site in New Zealand.

When we compare ourselves with similar sites we are leading the pack:

The BFD v Similar sites

We need your support and we need your memberships. Will you join our community and help contribute to fighting cancel culture and standing up for conservative values?

The BFD is your ultimate Focus group. Join us now!
