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ipad screen the bfd is your platform

Just after the BFD launched regular commenter George shared his first impressions with us all.

[…] Thursday morning my life was turned on its head. THE BFD had been launched. Somehow it didn’t seem quite right that I should be reading it in my undies with my feet up on a very expensive coffee table. It felt like the old pie cart down the road had just received its first Michelin Star. Our site required dignified respect, we have become part of the MSM. But even that sounded disrespectful. No! We have become “The Media”. A platform for the silent majority.
The BFD is a site which will not be bullied by insane ideology. It is a site that exposes the sham that is global warming. Our site will not exploit vulnerable children to spread socialist ideology, but it will continue to expose the most incompetent and dysfunctional administration ever bestowed on New Zealand.
Fourteen months from now we can put them out of their misery. THE BFD has ignition.

This month we launched a platform for the silent majority.

Our goal is to be their champion. To say what they want to be said and to provide a counterbalance in the political market place of ideas.

We are the silent majorities rocket and we have ignition.

With your support, we can aim for the Moon and visit some stars along the way.

Today is the day that you as a member of the silent majority can make a decision to support the BFD so that it will be fighting fit primed and ready for an exciting election year in 2020.

Today I ask you one and all to subscribe to ensure that the BFD will be here this year, next year and in the years ahead.

If you are already a subscriber then please consider upgrading your subscription.

The team and I have given this new venture our all to ensure that there is a place for like-minded people to discuss politics and be both informed and entertained. A place that will in time become New Zealand’s Number one New Media site.

Will you support us in our new venture and ensure that there is a conservative counterbalance to the left’s internet presence?

Will you help us to stand up for free speech?

Make today your Happy Subscription day and ensure that the BFD can continue to be the champion of the silent majority.

We can’t do it without you.

Subscribe now.
