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The BFD Poll Results: National Party

Photoshopped image credit: Boondecker

The poll results below are from a live poll so the results that I have commented on in this post may have changed slightly by the time that this post publishes. At the time of writing 612 people out of the 786 people who had participated in the poll said that they gave their vote to the National Party in the 2017 election which is approximately 78% of those polled.

78% of readers polled said that the National party got their party vote in 2017

The second poll question was if an election was held today would the National Party get your party vote? 209 of the 787 people who answered that question said yes which is 26%

26% of readers polled said that if an election was held today that the National Party would get their party vote.

We will continue to poll in the lead up to the election but it is clear that previous National party supporters have not reacted well to the National Party’s change of direction under leader Simon Bridges.

The Zero Carbon Bill was the last straw for many as it couldn’t be clearer now how far from their roots the National Party has strayed to become a Labour-lite, liberal Urban party.


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