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The BFD Poll Results: NZ First & ACT *UPDATED

The poll results below are from two live polls so the results that I have commented on in this post may have changed slightly by the time this post publishes.

*Update: I have corrected mistakes and updated the post with the latest figures for the ACT party poll.

NZ First live poll

ACT Party live poll

Of the 616 people who took part in our NZ First poll 80 (13%) of them gave their party vote to NZ First at the last election. When asked if an election was held today if they would give NZ First their vote only 6 said yes.

Of the 747 people who took part in our ACT Party poll 124 (17%) of them gave their party vote to the ACT Party at the last election. When asked if an election was held today if they would give the ACT Party their vote 446 out of the 747 polled (60%) said yes.

We will continue to run polls in the lead up to the 2020 election. The ACT party has clearly increased the  support it had before the last election. The question now is whether it can build on that to get over the 5% threshold.

I think that David Seymour has made an excellent start and is going into the 2020 election in a much stronger position than last time with a number of stances that resonate with the public such as his defence of freedom of speech and his sensible policy positions on gun ownership.

Statistically 80 is a very small sample so I won’t jump to any conclusions yet about NZ First. However it is clear that the vast majority of the 80 readers who did vote for NZ First are very unhappy with them today. It will be very interesting to see how these polls change in the lead up to the election.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Legend Eddie Low has died. He was educated at the Foundation for the Blind in Auckland. He started his first band when he was 13 and called it the Three Blind Mice.

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