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The word for today is…

démarche (noun):

1a: a course of action : maneuver
b: a diplomatic or political initiative or maneuver
2: a petition or protest presented through diplomatic channels

Source : Merriam – Webster

Etymology : When it comes to international diplomacy, it’s important not only to talk the talk but to walk the walk—which makes démarche an especially fitting word for diplomatic contexts. The word comes from French, where it can mean “gait” or “walk,” among other things. In English it was first used in the 17th century generally in the sense of “a maneuver,” and it soon developed a specific use in the world of diplomacy. Some of the other diplomacy-related words we use that come from French include attaché, chargé d’affaires, communiqué, détente, and agrément—not to mention the words diplomacy and diplomat themselves.

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