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The word for today is…

shenanigan (noun):

1: a devious trick used especially for an underhand purpose
2a: tricky or questionable practices or conduct—usually used in plural
b: high-spirited or mischievous activity—usually used in plural

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : The history of shenanigan is as tricky and mischievous as its meaning. Etymologists have some theories about its origins, but no one has been able to prove them. All we can say for certain is that the earliest known uses of the word in print appeared in the mid-1800s. Although the “underhanded trick” sense of the word is oldest, the most common senses in use now are “tricky or questionable practices” (as in “political shenanigans”) and “high-spirited behavior” (as in “youthful shenanigans”).

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