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word of the day

The word for today is…

parochial (adj) – 1. Of, relating to, supported by, or located in a parish.

  1. Of or relating to parochial schools.
  2. Narrowly restricted in scope or outlook; provincial.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : In the Greek of the New Testament, the word paroikia means “temporary residence in a foreign land” and comes from the Greek word for “stranger”: paroikos. Early Christians used this designation for their colonies because they considered heaven their real home. But temporary or not, these Christian colonies became more organized as time went on. Thus, in Late Latin, parochia became the designation for a group of Christians in a given area under the leadership of one pastor—what we came to call a parish in the 14th century. Both parish and its related adjective parochial were borrowed at that time directly from Anglo-French terms that had been derived from the Late Latin. We didn’t begin to use parochial in its “narrow” sense until the mid-19th century.

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