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word of the day

The word for today is…

quiescent (adj) – 1. Quiet, still, or inactive.

  1. Characterized by an absence of upheaval or discord.
  2. (Astronomy) Having little or no sunspot activity.
  3. (Medicine) Asymptomatic.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Quiescent won’t cause you any pain, and neither will its synonyms latent, dormant, and potential—at least not immediately. All four words mean “not now showing signs of activity or existence.” Latent usually applies to something that has not yet come forth but may emerge and develop, as in “a latent talent for opera singing.” Dormant implies a state of inactivity similar to sleep, as in “their passions lay dormant.” Potentia­l applies to what may or may not come to be. “A potential disaster” is a typical example. Quiescent, which traces to Latin qui?scere (meaning “to rest” or “to be quiet”), often suggests a temporary cessation of activity, as in “a quiescent disease” or “a summer resort quiescent in wintertime.”

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