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word of the day

The word for today is…

organoleptic (adjective) –
1 : being, affecting, or relating to qualities (such as taste, color, odor, and feel) of a substance (such as a food or drug) that stimulate the sense organs
2 : involving use of the sense organs

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : English speakers first got a taste of “organoleptic” in an 1852 translation of a French chemistry textbook. Its spelling is an Anglicization of the French word organoleptique, which derives from “organ” (same meaning as in English) and Greek leptikos, meaning “disposed to take or accept.” “Leptikos” is also an ingredient in “neuroleptic” (a type of powerful tranquilizer). The parent of “leptikos” – the verb lambanein, meaning “to take or seize” – contributed to the formation of several English words, including “epilepsy” and “syllable.”

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Why Does Luxon Hate the Bill?

Why Does Luxon Hate the Bill?

I’m keen to go hard on this. If National don’t get how important this is to us they will keep trampling over us. Do you think it’s time to stop playing nice? I’m willing to call it what it is: weak leadership, cowardice and really, really dumb.

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