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word of the day

The word for today is…

outlandish (adj) – 1. Conspicuously unconventional; bizarre.
2. Located far from civilized areas; remote.
3. (Archaic) Of foreign origin; not native.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : In olden times, English speakers used the phrase “outlandish man” to refer to a foreigner—or, one who came from an outland, which originally meant “a foreign land.” From here, outlandish broadened in usage from a word meaning “from another land” to one describing something unfamiliar or strange. Dress was a common early target for the adjective; English novelist Henry Fielding, in Tom Jones (1749), writes of a woman who was “drest in one of your outlandish Garments.” Nowadays, the word can be applied to anything that strikes us as out of the ordinary, from bizarre conspiracy theories to exaggerated boasting.

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