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word of the day

The word for today is…

propitiate (verb):

: to gain or regain the favour or goodwill of

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Like its synonym “appease,” propitiate means “to ease the anger or disturbance of,” but there are subtle differences between the two terms as well. “Appease” usually implies quieting insistent demands by making concessions, whereas “propitiate” tends to suggest averting the anger or malevolence of a superior being. In fact, “propitiate” often occurs in contexts involving deities, spirits, or other preternatural forces. You might “appease” your hunger, but to speak more colorfully, you could “propitiate the gods of hunger.”

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The Case Against Foreign Aid

The Case Against Foreign Aid

There no evidence that foreign aid has ever turned a poor country into a rich country; it is much more likely that foreign aid undermines economic development by giving politicians in recipient nations an excuse to delay or avoid needed reforms.

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