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word of the day

The word for today is…

pious (adj) – 1. (a) Earnestly compliant in the observance of religion; reverent or devout.
(b) Showing or characterised by religious devotion.
(c) Expressive of or used in religious devotion; devotional.
2. (a) Done for the benefit of others or with the intention of encouraging good.
(b) Sincere but wishful or far-fetched.
3. Self-righteous or sanctimonious.
4. (Archaic) Professing or exhibiting traditional morality; dutiful.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Mid-15th century, from Latin pius “dutiful, devout, conscientious, religious; faithful to kindred; inspired by friendship, prompted by natural affections,” perhaps [Klein] related to Latin purus “pure, clean”. Often coupled with fraud from at least 1630s.

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