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word of the day

The word for today is…

chapfallen (adj) – 1. Being in low spirits; dejected and disheartened.
2. Having the lower jaw hanging loosely .

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : A variant spelling of the adjective chapfallen is chopfallen, a spelling that may help us to better understand this somewhat unusual word. The chap in chapfallen is a word that dates back to at least the 16th century. It refers to the fleshy covering of the jaw or to the jaw itself and is often used in the plural, as in “the wolf licked its chaps.” If that phrase doesn’t seem quite right to you, it is likely because you are more familiar with chops, an alteration of chaps, which is also used to refer to the jaw or the mouth. Fallen is the past participle of fall. Thus, to be chapfallen or chopfallen is, literally, to have one’s jaw in a fallen or lower position, which is a physical sign of dejection.

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