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The word for today is…

carp (verb, noun):

to find fault or complain querulously

1 complaint
2 : a large variable Asian soft-finned freshwater cyprinid fish (Cyprinus carpio) of sluggish waters that is often raised for food: any of various related cyprinid fishes (such as the grass carp)
2 : a fish (such as the European sea bream) resembling a carp

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Though someone might hypothetically carp about the fish known as carp, the similarity between the words is wholly coincidental. Both entered the English language in the 15th century but from different sources. Like many terms for plants and animals adopted at that point in the language’s history, the fish’s name traces back to Late Latin, but the verb is of Scandinavian origin. It shares an ancestor with the Icelandic verb karpa, meaning “to dispute” or “to wrangle,” which in turn comes from an Old Norse word meaning “boasting” or “arrogance.” We promise there’s nothing fishy about that.

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