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The word for today is…

eccentric (adjective, noun):


1a : deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways
b : deviating from an established or usual pattern or style
2a : deviating from a circular path
b : located elsewhere than at the geometric center


1 : a person who behaves in odd or unusual ways : an eccentric person
2 : a mechanical device consisting of an eccentric disk communicating its motion to a rod so as to produce reciprocating motion

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Eccentric was originally a technical term at home in the fields of geometry and astronomy. It comes from a Latin word meaning “not having the earth at its center,” and ultimately has its root in a Greek word with various meanings including “stationary point of a pair of compasses” and “midpoint of a circle or sphere.” But its figurative use is long-established too: as far back as the 17th century the word was used to describe people and things that deviate from what is conventional, usual, or accepted.

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