Peter Imanuelsen
I’m Peter Imanuelsen | Swedish journalist | Political commentator | Supporter of freedom, kindness and liberty |
It’s hard for me to put into words just how big this story is. This is a scandal of epic proportions. This is THE biggest news story not only of the year, but of the decade. And guess what? Complete silence from the mainstream media. But that’s ok. We ARE the media now.
You see, Pfizer just released a statement last week ADMITTING that they have been ENGINEERING covid viruses. I know, this is absolutely INSANE.
It all began with the Project Veritas undercover video where a director at Pfizer admitted they are doing gain of function research and intentionally mutating covid to make new vaccines.
The video has of course been censored on YouTube by now, but is still available to watch on Rumble.
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We then had several days of total silence from Pfizer and the mainstream media. Well, the DailyMail did write about it, but suddenly deleted their article after only a few hours. Hmm, I guess they got an angry letter from Pfizer…
Finally, they have now released a statement, and it’s worse than you can imagine. First, they deny that they are doing gain of function research.
But then, later down in the same statement, they ADMIT to engineering covid viruses. This is completely crazy. See for yourself.
We have conducted research where the original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein from new variants of concern”
If I understand that correctly, they are taking the original covid variant and taking the spike protein from newer variants like Omicron onto the original virus. THIS IS INSANE.
They even admit that they are doing this to make new vaccines.
They are doing ”mutations of the main protease-a non-infectious part of the virus. In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells”.
So Pfizer just admitted here to deliberately mutating the covid virus in their laboratory and engineering it to assess the antiviral activity in cells. But they claim to only do this when there isn’t any KNOWN gain of function mutations. Focus on the word ”known”. There may of course be UNKNOWN gain of function mutations happening that they don’t know about. Pfizer is doing all this in their Biosafety level 3 laboratory.
I don’t know about you, but this is insane. Why aren’t they arrested yet? Why is this allowed to happen? What if we get another lab leak which is likely what started the covid pandemic in the first place. I am mad.
Robert W Malone MD, MS , the inventor of mRNA technology weighs in on this news, saying that what Pfizer is doing is in fact technically gain of function research.
There we have it. Pfizer is intentionally mutating the covid virus to make new vaccines.
- Step 1. Mutate the covid virus.
- Step 2. Make a vaccine for it.
- Step 3. Profit.
This is dangerous. This is reckless. This is beyond insane and must stop.
Again, the mainstream media is completely silent on this bombshell story. This should be headline news everywhere for the next week. Remember, the boss at Reuters is also on the board of Pfizer.
It is up to me and you to report this story. Please SHARE SHARE SHARE – People have to know the truth about what Big Pharma is doing.
Pfizer is EVIL.