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The Black Lives That Don’t Matter so Much to BLM

The face of modern slavery. A slave trader in a market in Libya. The BFD.

For a mob who’ve so violently dedicated themselves to the proposition that “black lives matter”, the left seem awfully selective about which black lives actually matter.

As a humanist, I take it as a given that black lives indeed matter, as do all human lives. It should also be a given that all black lives matter. But the left certainly don’t act as if they do.

They certainly didn’t care much about the black life of David Dorn, murdered for a tv by the very rioters claiming that black lives matter. Nor do they care about the 90% of black lives taken by other blacks.

The Australian leftists suddenly working themselves into a frenzy of self-righteousness over some 400 black lives lost while in custody over the last 30 years never say a damn thing about the scores of black children raped, abused and murdered by their black families every year. Nor the black women beaten and murdered in their hundreds every month.

In fact, if anyone even dares mention these ghastly facts, they are vilified. No matter whether they are black, like Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, or white, like Kerri-Anne Kennerley.

The “(some) black lives matter” mob also obsess about slavery that ended more than 150 years ago in the United States – while completely ignoring the slavery that has never ended and is in fact resurging in Africa.

There are approximately 9 million men, women, and children living in modern slavery throughout Africa, according to a report issued by the Australia-based Walk Free Foundation.

The foundation’s Global Slavery Index revealed there is an estimate of 9,240,000 enslaved across the continent, living as forced labourers, forced prostitutes, child soldiers, and as child brides in forced marriages.

According to the report, Africa has the highest rate of prevalence for enslavement, with 7.6 people living in slavery for every 1,000 people in the region[…]Governments found to be taking the least action to reduce modern slavery include: North Korea, Libya, Eritrea, Central African Republic, Iran, Equatorial Guinea, Burundi, Republic of Congo, Sudan, and Mauritania.

Excluding North Korea, there’s something very noticeable about all of those: they are all either black or Muslim. Most are both.

In contrast, governments found to be taking the most action to end slavery include: Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium, Croatia, Spain, Norway, Portugal, and Montenegro.

Again, there’s something common to all those: all are Western, majority white and (nominally at least) Christian.

Even historically, the idea that slavery was an institution unique to the white West is complete nonsense.

As Thomas Sowell points out:

The number of whites who were enslaved in North Africa by the Barbary pirates exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in the United States and in the American colonies before that, put together.

No matter how you cut it, the last peoples who should be blamed for the evils of slavery are the white, Christian West.

And the last people who should be blamed for the persistent ills afflicting black Australia or America are white Australians and Americans.

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