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A useless pile of garbage. And an EV. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Summer has barely started, and Boofhead’s already starting with the lame excuses for looming blackouts and brownouts.

Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen will warn hostile actors could weaponise climate change to potentially sabotage Australia’s “fragile” energy networks, as severe weather events increase threats of global political instability and intrastate conflict, population displacement and ­extremist activity.

Oh, we all know who’s sabotaging Australia’s energy network, and just why they’re “fragile” in the first place.

The demented loons of the Climate Cult. And they don’t come any more deranged than Boofhead himself.

Who needs external enemies, when we’ve got the Albanese government? Face it, why would a foreign power even bother invading Australia, when its own elite class is so hell-bent on demolishing the place from within?

Mr Bowen on Thursday will say “national security threats from climate change already present serious risks to Australia and the region, but they will become more severe and more frequent the further warming targets are exceeded”.

No, they’re present and they’ll get worse because of Labor’s unhinged “Net Zero” obsession, which is destroying reliable baseload coal and gas power and replacing it with worse-than-useless wind and solar boondoggles.

The climate change statement said natural disasters were exacerbating risks to the power grid, with coal-fired power plants shut down by floods, transmission lines threatened by bushfires and hydro-electric generation and coal plants affected by drought.

“These events place increased strain on Australia’s energy networks, and this fragility could be used as a climate change-based force multiplier for hostile actors. The threshold for damage to Australia’s energy networks from sabotage may be significantly lower during high demand/low supply periods, such as extreme weather seasons,” the statement said.

“Infrastructure failure, extremist activity and disruptive protests could compound the impacts of disasters, water shortages or food and energy price spikes, and further erode some countries’ political legitimacy.”

Infrastructure failure? Extremist activity? Disruptive protests?

Now, who does all that sound like?

Opposition energy spokesman Ted O’Brien labelled Mr Bowen as a “false prophet who’s big on promises that never eventuate”, declaring the government was failing against its own targets and commitments on energy prices, emissions, electric vehicles and renewables.

The Liberal frontbencher, who is heading to the COP28 summit to spruik nuclear energy, will attack Labor’s failure to deliver a “reliable electricity grid” in his parliamentary response to Mr Bowen.

“In practice, its unprecedented market interventions are killing off gas supply with dire shortfalls emerging and investment all but stalled,” Mr O’Brien will say.

“Meanwhile, they refuse to do anything about 80 per cent of baseload power stations exiting the grid by 2035. They’re in denial.

“Is it any wonder that our grid is now in constant crisis mode with the market operator sounding the warning bell that brownouts and blackouts may come as early as this summer.”

The Australian

There’s no need for Boofhead to gibber about external “hostile actors” – the hostile actors are right here, on the government benches.
