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The Bronze Age Mindset

There is no positive view of family, although he begrudgingly admits having one is necessary to continue the species. He believes this is the death of a man. I disagree. Family drives men to greatness, but Bronze Age Mindset doesn’t make that leap.

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge / Unsplash

When the Bronze Age Mindset was published in 2018, it became a best seller and popular among many of America’s elites and quickly reached the status of cult classic. I never had reason to pick it up, until recently. I wanted to understand a little more of why some of the world's most rich and powerful were attracted to such an obvious work of right-wing reactionary thought. The book identifies its author only as “Bronze Age Pervert” which tells you a little about the man and his work. It is sometimes perverted and crude, but not in a way that was off-putting. The style of the book is unique, enjoyable and indescribable. He invents his own sentence structure and words, which, even if you have never heard before, you can always immediately intuit the meaning of. The author has recently been identified as Costin Alamariu, an American academic of Romanian descent.

I decided to pick up an older book, Sun and Steel (1968) by Yukio Mishima at the same time and read it directly after. The latter was an influence on the former and I picked up on a few similar themes.

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