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The Case for a Muslim Ban

Let’s be honest: Islam is incompatible with liberal democracy.

Is this what we really want? The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When an Australian Muslim woman on then-Twitter angrily launched a straw poll on banning Muslim immigration here, she surely didn’t get the result she expected. Overwhelmingly, the tens of thousands of respondents agreed that we should.

She shouldn’t have been surprised, though. Properly conducted opinion poll after opinion poll has found the same thing: Australians are pretty relaxed with most religions (only four per cent and six per cent negative attitudes to Catholics and Hindus respectively), but very much not Islam. At least 50 per cent of Australians have negative attitudes toward Islam. Nearly 40 per cent are ‘very unfavourable’, the strongest reaction available. Just 10 per cent are positive.

Why? Because they see Islam as antithetical to Australian values. And they’re right.

The greatest threat to our nation is Muslim immigration from the Middle East.

Why do I say that? Because they are changing our country for the worse, as is evidenced by the disgraceful events of the past year, culminating in the refusal even to allow Jews to commemorate, in peace, the October 7 massacre on its first anniversary.

That was a middle finger upraised to Australia and its values. And the greater the Muslim population grows, the more marked will be this damage initially inflicted by Malcom Fraser and now being worsened by this Albanese government and the Greens.

As I’ve written before, Malcolm Fraser imported a ticking time bomb in 1976, when, against alarmed advice from his advisers, he enacted his “Lebanese Concession”. Fraser naively, even criminally negligently, assumed that Muslims would be just like all the other migrants who settled in Australia after WWII, and the post-Vietnam refugees. Both of those groups settled more or less peacefully into the Australian way of life.

With the Islamic demographic, however, the trend seems to be in the opposite direction.

Despite decades of immigration from the Middle Eastern, as a community, they apparently see themselves living in Australia but not of Australia […]

In the United Kingdom there are four million Muslims comprising 6.5 per cent of the population. Estimates of the Muslim population of France range up to 6 million or 10 percent. Even at these relatively modest numbers, the social upheaval has been destructive.

In Australia, at just 3.2 per cent of the population, Muslims are wreaking havoc. Not just with two decades of terror attacks but, over the last year, with a vicious wave of anti-Semitism.

Why should we welcome these, mostly economic, migrants any more effusively than they welcomed Jews seeking a new life, after 2000 years of persecution, in their ancestral homeland? According to their incorrect logic, Jews have no ethnic connection to Palestine and therefore shouldn’t be there […]

By the same intolerant logic and incoherent hate, what are they doing here?

The problems with Islam are not incidental: they’re inherent. Islam’s scriptures repeatedly spew hate against non-Muslims, especially Jews. The daily Muslim prayer, al-Fatiha, explicitly curses Jews.

Islam is not just a religion. It is also a political ideology. Its imams regularly preach death and destruction in Australian mosques. The notion that the minister of any other church, in particular Christian ones, would be allowed to get away with this, on the basis of freedom of religion, is unthinkable. This is not about freedom of religion. It is the political nature of Islam that is key.

And spare us the ‘moderate majority’ bullshit. The majority of Germans were not Nazis, but still the Third Reich happened.

You might argue the majority of Australian Muslims are peace loving and do not support or hold extremist views. That may be true, but I would argue that it is irrelevant. Supposed experts say the same thing about the people of Lebanon or Gaza. If that is true it can only mean that, in the face of radical Islam, they acquiesce to the ideology rather than repudiate it. Lebanon has a standing Army of 80,000. If the Lebanese people truly hate Hezbollah, why is that Army not deployed in support of the IDF to rid the country of Hezbollah?

Worse, the hatred of Islam is encouraging other haters to be ever more vocal and violent.

You might also argue that there are as many non-Muslims as there are Muslims involved in these hateful demonstrations and attacks. That is true, but would these sheep have turned into the wolves they now are without the initial and ongoing encouragement from what is clearly more than an extremist fringe within the Muslim community? And talking of wolves, why are all these young Muslim men content to remain safe here in Australia rather than joining their brethren in the fight against the so-called colonisers?

It is Islam that is keeping Middle Eastern countries in the Dark Ages.

And, having sought refuge in a peaceful, first-world country, too many Muslims seem determined to turn it into exactly the kind of violent third-world shithole they ran from.

The big question is: why are we enabling it?

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