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The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

The reason the Covid pandemic has been so devastating can be summed up in a simple sentence: China lied, people died. It really does come down to that: for every week that China lied and tried to hide the outbreak in Wuhan, the opportunity to contain the disease — and the more inescapable its spread around the globe.

China’s COVID-19 Infection history – and how it might have played out if Beijing hadn’t lied and covered up. The BFD. Source: Lai et al, 2020.

Even today, the Chinese government simply will not tell the truth about the virus and its origins. It destroyed crucial genomic databases and ruthlessly punishes anyone who gets close to investigating its very likely origin in the Wuhan lab.

This unconscionable behaviour should surprise no one. As former Australian deputy prime minister John Anderson reminds us: “In the end, a communist will behave as a communist does”.

And Communist China has a very long record of lying about pandemics.

The fall of 1957 saw an outbreak of what came to be known as the Asian flu. It was first reported in the cities of Singapore and Hong Kong, but this new and deadly influenza soon went global.

That time, at least, the Communist regime didn’t create the virus: it originated naturally in Guizhou province.

But even as tens of thousands of Chinese lay dying, the epidemic was kept hidden from view by the Communist authorities.
When infected travelers from China later carried it to Hong Kong and Singapore, the World Health Organization and other public health authorities were caught flatfooted.

In the end, the Asian flu ran a two-year course and killed at least a million people.

Familiar story? Get ready to hear it again.

In 1968, an unknown influenza had quickly spread throughout the world. It came to be known as the Hong Kong flu, infuriating that city’s Chamber of Commerce, the members of which knew quite well that an epidemic was raging in Mainland China just across the border. Once again, the Communist authorities had refused to alert the world, and another million people died.

The Hong Kong flu was probably easily as bad as Covid. Unlike today, there wasn’t the obsessive rush to track “cases” and “deaths”. But it was as apocalyptic as anything the Covidians prognosticated: bodies stored in subway tunnels, up to half of France’s workplace off sick, schools closed because not enough students and teachers were showing up.
China wasn’t done inflicting misery on the world, yet. Very, very far from it.

China continued to play “hide the virus” when the SARS epidemic broke out in 2002 […]

The Communist regime lied about the disease for months, silenced whistleblowers, doctored data, duped global health authorities, and even accused “outside forces” of carrying out a “bioterrorist” attack.

China took three months to inform the WHO — and only after Canadian intelligence had already caught them out.

Unlike Covid, SARS really could have been a pandemic to match the Spanish flu. Its case fatality race was eleven per cent. If not for alert Canadian spies, Beijing would certainly have hidden the disease until it spread beyond its borders and around the world, easily killing tens of millions.

Its containment was aided by the fact that, while it was highly infectious, it was not airborne. As a result of its early detection and relatively low transmissibility, by the time the SARS epidemic ended in June of 2003, there had been a total of only 8,469 cases reported.

But the lethality of SARS impressed China’s bioweapons experts.

The rest is history — oops, “dangerous misinformation”.

In late 2017, a Chinese researcher named Dr. Shi Zhengli, with the help of British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance, a beneficiary of US government funding and an ally of Dr. Anthony Fauci, traced the original SARS virus back through an intermediary host to the original carriers: the cave-dwelling horseshoe bats of Yunnan province.

No spoiler alerts needed: we all know what happened next.

The only question is when — not if — it happens again.

Somewhere in China, perhaps even at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself, they are even now genetically engineering new “unrestricted bioweapons.”

New York Post
Shi Zhengli, Wuhan Lab


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