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The Christchurch Call Will Legitimise Censorship

Image credit The BFD.

In 2019 Jacinda Ardern and flaky French President Emmanuel Macron co-founded the Christchurch Call following a one day killing spree by a crazed and ideologically confused lone wolf. France’s decades of obscene organised terrorism, murders and anti-Semitic persecution appear to have escaped Macron’s attention, indicating that his interest in a global alliance is not humanitarian but political.

“Since then, more than 50 countries, international organisations and tech firms have supported the initiative including Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft and Amazon.“The existence of algorithms themselves is not necessarily the problem, it’s whether or not they are ethically used. That is probably the biggest focus for the community over the next year alongside expanding the network itself,” Ardern said after the forum. She said major tech firms had expressed a real desire at the forum to use algorithms for positive interventions. However, she did not elaborate on how firms would change the use of algorithms that drive harmful content and lead to radicalisation.”

Sydney Morning Herald

Driving censorship is the real reason for a collaboration of politicians and social media, but last week, out of nowhere, came a strong voice for free speech and democracy.

“In her speech last Tuesday, the Queen said: “My government will strengthen and renew democracy and the constitution.” “Legislation will be introduced to ensure the integrity of elections, protect freedom of speech and restore the balance of power between the executive, legislature and the courts.”

The Independent

British academia responded predictably with claims the Queen is responding to “manufactured culture wars” and “phantom threats”, naturally the same argument they used to successfully de-platform conservative voices. In Auckland, Phil Goff refused Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux a public platform saying Auckland Council shouldn’t have to “provide a venue for hate speech”.

Queen Elizabeth II is not easily ignored and she sent a clear message to her PM Boris Johnson.  Ardern’s monarch saying it like it is, comes in stark contrast to Ardern’s slippery subterfuge. Ardern is attempting to use the thin guise of stamping out online terrorism to introduce censorship, a technique she is using to implement He Puapua by stealth.

“New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Saturday that world leaders and tech firms looking to stamp out violent extremism online would need to focus efforts on understanding social media algorithms that drive content.”

Yahoo News

Ardern avoids public debate on what “hate speech” is by instructing her minions, the useful idiot press, to deliver the message that hate speech is a done deal – whether you like it or not. It doesn’t matter what we think hate speech means.

Hate speech means whatever Ardern wants it to, with the lie: “you will know it when you see it”.

The Global Internet Forum, which was overhauled to accommodate the Christchurch Call, has decided and there will be no democratic debate. There is no need to elaborate on harmful content because Twitter and Google are already censoring using their own interpretations. Public discussion is moot.

It is unlikely Ardern anticipated the Queen’s decisive stand for free speech and democracy last week, but it is a blow to Ardern’s dangerous authoritarianism.

Ardern may have been very pleased about securing the US’s commitment to the Call following Trump’s rejection of the threat to free speech, but ‘Sleepy Joe’ was a no-show at the Global Internet Forum this week. Perhaps it was nap time, or possibly his minders were not confident about his ability to avoid embarrassment.

Nevertheless, the lines are drawn. Queen Elizabeth II has declared herself a protector of free speech, while the flakiest and most irresponsible political leaders in the world postulate about terrorism, Covid-19, climate change, the safety of experimental Covid-19 vaccines and uncontrolled mass migration, with no regard to scientific data. Dissidents will be silenced by social media algorithms designed to shut down “hate speech”.

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