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Communist sleeper agents undergo brainwashing, in The Manchurian Candidate (1962). The BFD.

Recently, The BFD reported on the rich kids funding eco-terrorism. The scions of the global elite, such as the Kennedys and Gettys, are using their unearned, inherited wealth to fund more and more extremist environmental groups openly threatening violence to push their cause.

The backing for these nascent eco-terrorists reaches much further and to far more sinister levels, with a much more malevolent agenda, than just a bunch of idle wealthy useful idiots playing at “saving the planet”.

It’s been well documented that Western activists have been assiduously infiltrated by the Chinese Communist Party. This is especially true of climate activism. Just two months ago, the Who’s Who of Western climate activism enthusiastically cheered on the annual general meeting of the China Council for International Co-operation on Environment and Development (the CCICED) in Beijing.

Last year, in their book Hidden Hand: How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World, Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg revealed how China influences Britain and other Western democracies by seducing their elites. Its ‘useful idiots’ often believe they are acting for the common good, but become blind to Xi’s avowed ambition: for China to achieve global supremacy by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the Maoist revolution.

Nowhere is this more effective than in the climate movement. I asked a specialist researcher fluent in Mandarin to examine open-source material from the Chinese web. The results suggest Western greens have become prime targets. Perhaps this isn’t so surprising: before he was a climate negotiator, Xie Zhenhua helped run the Party Discipline Commission, which operates a secret prison network where torture, according to Human Rights Watch, has long been rife.

The background of the CCICED is evidence enough of just what it is: a CCP front organisation.

The CCICED’s Chinese members include not only top Party bosses but officials who work with China’s United Front Work Department, one of the CCP’s main instruments for exerting influence abroad. Among them is Li Xiaolin, a top party cadre and the daughter of China’s late president Li Xiannan. Until recently, she was the chair of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries — which, as Hamilton and Ohlberg show in their book, is one of China’s most important foreign influence organisations.

Make no mistake, this is a communist organisation that is as brutal as any other in the Chinese dictatorship.

According to Patricia Adams, director of the Toronto-based environmental think tank Probe International, in 2017 a new Chinese law forced foreign NGOs there to submit to “close supervision” by the Ministry of Public Security, responsible for crushing dissent and controlling China’s secret police. Any organisation deemed to have “harmed the national interest” risks having its assets seized, its staff jailed, and being permanently banned.

As terrorist organisations and fifth columnists will, climate activists hide behind a Byzantine web of money chains. As previously detailed, one of the key backers of Extinction Rebellion — who are openly threatening to start a campaign of bombing, kidnap and execution — is billionaire investment banker, Sir Christopher Hohn, as well as the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF). Extinction Rebellion, purely coincidentally, refuse to criticise China’s emissions, because “It would be divisive to put pressure on one particular nation.” CIFF funds the European Climate Foundation (ECF). ECF’s global ambassador’ is the Prime Minister’s father, Stanley Johnson, a self-declared “Sinophile”.

It’s not as if the CCP is even bothering much to hide what it’s doing.

Meanwhile, Qiushi, the CCP’s theoretical journal, published an article in Chinese this year which explores how foreign environmentalists can be utilised. The idea of ecological civilisation, it says, is “Marxist and scientific by nature”, and will have a big role in spreading the China Model’s appeal.


None of this is hidden. This article uses Chinese documents, but all are available on the Mandarin web.

The useless idiots glueing themselves to roads and blowing up pipelines like to imagine they’re “saving the planet”. What they’re really doing is handing the planet on a silver platter to Xi Xinping.
