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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

Bubble bubble toil and trouble, the witches brew beckonedWe jumped right in and we stayed there to rotAlthough corpses eighty-eight thousand would not be our lotHow fast we did move, how quick we did leapThe government was on it, Covid death we’d not reapThe WHO had us worked up panicked and scaredAnd the Chinese knew nothing at all they declaredBut somebody lied and the model was wrongCause many weeks later it’s still the same songWe’re alive we all said, we’re fit and we’re wellOnly a handful are dead, but our future is hell‘Let us out’ we all asked but they would not hearThey’re soft in the head that much is clearTo hell with their models their sick and their deadWe’re in very good health we said, you and IWe did the right thing and we’re not going to dieThrowing money around like there’s plenty moreWhen we all know it was them slammed that doorLocked up in our homes our businesses failOur jobs disappear and our children wailNo food on the table and no promise of whenWe can venture outside to make money againPoliticians don’t lie they assured us and braggedYou’re only alive because you were gaggedIf you’d not gone quietly it would all have gone badAnd your story would have been particularly sadNow get back to your homes and settle down nowOr we’ll lock you up again anyway, anyhowA reset they say, is their master planAnd arguing the point will just earn a banWe shouldn’t expect things to return to beforeSo, what should we make of it, what should we doWith businesses closed and no income too

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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