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The Crown Appeals Police Mandate Case

The Crown yesterday lodged an appeal in the Yardley case, trying to overturn the findings of the High Court that the Police and Armed Forces mandates were illegal.

In the tyrant’s announcement on Wednesday she said that the regime was abandoning mandates for Police and Armed Forces from 4 April anyway.

The only rational explanation for an appeal is to try and mitigate the damages that are likely to start flowing from those mandates being found illegal. Any Police or Armed Forces staff whose careers were negatively impacted by an illegal mandate has a clear cut damages claim against their employer. So too for any personnel who suffered a vaccine injury as a result of the illegal mandate. The Crown broke the law and people were harmed as a result of them breaking the law. That deserves righteous compensation.

Despite telling the public that mandates are ending, the Crown is actually creeping about in the law courts seeking to appeal Yardley…the very case that effectively ended mandates.

This regime speaks in public with one voice and acts in the courts with another. Their disingenuous behaviour knows no bounds.

This action by the Crown exposes just how desperate this government is to avoid liability for unlawfully destroying thousands of Kiwis’ careers.


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