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Sir Bob Jones

Someone remarked to me recently that it’s amazing no-one’s tried to assassinate Trump. I don’t agree.

Trump’s ignorance and craziness justifiably offends sensible rational people, who nevertheless, are not the type who would resort to such an action.

In my view, the real threat is to Biden. Trump has wound up the aptly named deplorables into a genuine belief the election was stolen.

Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Their belief is solely because the greatest public liar in history keeps telling them this. Trump has chalked up nearly 30,000 blatant lies recorded in utterances and tweets in four years. He’s now urging them to protest in Washington in a fortnight when the House formally acknowledges Biden’s victory and doubtless he will do the same for the Inauguration ceremony.

We’ve seen this lot on television news. The males have a common physical feature, (I’m serious- this is not said as a joke) namely their necks are wider than their heads.

It is precisely these types who could produce from their ranks a deluded loner assassin. Let’s hope I’m wrong but I believe it’s a real concern.

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