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‘The Dark Shadow’ Sounds Like a Marvel Super Hero

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

Stuff has continued their wonky jihad against a private citizen in their attempt to continue to smear any and all associated with Winston Peters. The campaign,( for that is what it is), has reached absurd proportions where they are now just publishing rumour, gossip and innuendo.

Their latest smear is to try to paint Brian Henry as some sort of evil dark lord of politics.

Every political party has its Voldemort. He who shall not be named. The enforcer barely seen in public conscience.

For NZ First it is Brian Henry, Winston Peters’ long time lawyer, mate,  party judicial officer and enforcer who warned NZ First candidates in  2017 that he was the party’s “dark shadow” whose job was to ensure  Peters’ “gets the position he deserves”.

Brian Henry’s role in the unfolding NZ First donations scandal  is now under close scrutiny. In addition to being Peters’ right-hand  man, lawyer and NZ First’s judicial officer, he is also a trustee of the  New Zealand First Foundation. The foundation appears to have been  taking political donations, while operating as a political slush fund  for the NZ First political party.

Henry also runs QComms, a company which Stuff understands runs the party’s Nation Builder website – a campaigning and membership tool.

Some party members call Henry “Peters’ attack dog”. People turn  skittish when the name is mentioned in interviews. Numerous people  connected to NZ First who spoke to Stuff feared lawsuits and retribution for doing so.

Numerous sources have confirmed to Stuff that,  during a candidates briefing in at a hall in Takanini near Manukau in  the lead up to the 2017 election, Henry gave NZ First candidates a  lesson in how the party really works.

“I am the dark shadow in this party that you don’t want to receive a  phone call from,” attendees told Stuff he said. “My job is to make sure  Winston Peters gets the position he deserves and none of you are going  to get in the way of that,” Henry said, according to sources present at  the meeting.


Stuff thinks this sort of nonsense is newsworthy. Labour used to have Heather Simpson, National had Wayne Eagleson, NZ First has Brian Henry. Whoopy-de-do.

This is now very farcical, especially considering that NZ First operates in exactly the same way as National with its various trusts, foundations and structures.

I imagine Brian Henry, one of the nicest guys in politics you’d ever meet, is laughing at the ridiculous “Voldermort” analogy.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

Trying to ascribe some sort of sinister intent behind warning newbie candidates that they’d better behave is laughable.

“The Dark Shadow” sounds like a Marvel Super Hero rather than some sort of political necromancer. Mind you if politically Brian Henry is “Voldemort”, does that make Jacinda a Hufflepuff?

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

Joking aside the rest of the murk Stuff is spreading will likely see them added to the list of 34 or so people he is lining up to sue for damaging his personal business interests. That list includes politicians, media personalities, so-called experts and bloggers.
