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The Dark Skeletons in Transgenderism’s Closet

The origins of transgender ideology are steeped in academically-justified paedophilia.

Nothing sums up the state of modern society than the Clown World meme. It now seems like the lost days of innocence that just a few short years ago we sensibly agreed that it was wrong to punish people for being attracted to the same sex. Somehow, that transmogrified into gay marriage. Now, just a couple of years later, biology is being erased altogether.

As Bob Dylan once wrote, “something is happening here, but you don’t know what it is”. If you’re sitting here, wondering where on earth all this came from, you’re not alone. But the signposts were all there, from the late 60s, and most especially from the 80s on. By the 80s, academia was being bludgeoned by Queer Theory, Gender Theory, and the acclaimed stupidity of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler.

The left was not satisfied with their cultural victory on homosexuality and “gay marriage.” With the institutional power to keep their sexual revolution ongoing, their mission creep took them next to transgenderism—and beyond.

How new is “transgenderism”? Some aspects seem truly innovative. For example, I’m not sure any previous society ever insisted, with a straight face, that men could have babies. Transgenderism does have its precedents, however. Believe it or not.

But leading the pack was John Money.

Theodore Dalrymple [writes that] “The current madness about transsexualism is traceable to John Money.” Money coined the trendy concepts of “gender roles” and “gender identity” that we hear so much about, but what Dalrymple was specifically referring to here was Money’s handling of a case involving—that’s right—a “botched circumcision.”

“It was [Money’s] belief in the unlimited malleability of human sexuality that led him, in his most famous case, to advise the parents of a baby whose penis was nearly cut off during a botched circumcision that he should henceforth be brought up as a girl…. Money continued to describe the case as an unqualified success, and for a long time the scientific and journalistic worlds were fooled….”

The boy in question was David Reimer. The circumcision in question, by the way, was not a religious one, but a surgical procedure performed by a urologist. Despite being raised as a girl, Reimer knew all his life that “something was wrong”. He discovered the truth at age 14. He had his mangled genitals reconstructed, married a woman and became a (step)father. He also campaigned against such surgical “transition” of children as was done to him.

He also committed suicide at age 38.

It was from this man, John Money, the same doctor who once made a moral distinction between what he termed “affectionate pedophilia” and “sadistic pedophilia,” that modern transgender science was born.

It is worth repeating what Reimer also revealed about Money’s “therapy”.

Money, Reimer said, made he and his twin brother rehearse sexual acts involving “thrusting movements”. Reimer said that, as a child, he had to get “down on all fours” with his brother, Brian Reimer, “up behind his butt”, humping his crotch into David’s backside. Reimer said that Money forced David, in another sexual position, to have his “legs spread” with Brian on top. Reimer said that Money also forced the children to undress and engage in “genital inspections”. Money also photographed the children undergoing these activities.

In case you are tempted to dismiss John Money as an isolated aberration, consider Australia’s controversial gender-indoctrination program, “Safe Schools”. Safe Schools was incubated in the bowels of a Queer Theory thinktank going by the Orwellian name of “Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society”. Its deputy director, Gary Dowsett, once wrote glowingly about “loving” pedophilic relationships between gay men and children. Oh, but that was way back in the 80s.

Yet, here’s Dowsett at it, still, in 2013, asking “Why do we need an age of consent at all?” His minion Roz Ward, who was instrumental in authoring “Safe Schools”, openly boasted that her job was to teach children “to be gay and communist”.

So, if you’re sitting there dumbfounded, wondering where all this stuff came from, all of a sudden – it was lurking there in academia all along, like a spider under a rock. The only difference is that now they’ve turned the rock over and the spiders are boldly strutting out into the light of day.
