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Vaccine Roulette. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

On Tuesday the 15th of November 2022 many people gathered after a call from NZDSOS to take part in a “nationwide peaceful event to acknowledge the suffering and celebrate resilience with friends.”

Dr Rene de Monchy. Photo supplied. The BFD.
A Pharmacist. Photo supplied. The BFD.
Photo supplied. The BFD.
Photo supplied. The BFD.
Photo supplied. The BFD.

It was a year from the day that the no jab no job mandates were imposed on New Zealanders by a PM who had said that there would be no negative consequences for those who chose not to have the vaccine.

Liar, liar pants on fire.
The BFD.

I was not sure what to expect, as I’m not part of NZDSOS, but decided to attend with some others from the local BFD sump in Tauranga. I was glad I went.

There was an ‘open mic’ (although there was no mic) and people spoke of vaccine injuries, bereavement and of being fired from their jobs. Some from the public spoke as well as a GP, a psychiatrist, a pharmacist, a nurse, a teacher, a midwife and others.

They shared their stories with the crowd.

One lady had to call the ambulance at least 14 times with heart problems.

Her children were frightened that they one day they would no longer have a mother. She had to give up her job. It was harrowing and there was a lot of pain expressed.

A year ago on Tuesday, our PM Jacinda Ardern segregated kiwis into two classes of people.

The above video revealed to the public that our Prime Minister was cruel, which was especially galling as Ardern has always promoted herself as kind.

It literally felt like a kick in the guts as she was smiling when she said it. Her chilling pronouncement meant that informed consent had become a thing of the past. People no longer had any control over what was put into their bodies. They were no longer allowed to say no because of concerns about its safety and efficacy.

There were no exemptions allowed. None at all.

Doctors no longer had any say in the health of their patients as the decision-making power was now in the hands of one man only and the then Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield’s decision was always…no.

Exemption. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. the BFD.

Shockingly, on Monday 15 November 2021 many New Zealanders lost their jobs as they chose not to have the vaccine.  Many weeping or angry people, according to a local vaccinator, turned up on the last day and said that they did not consent to the vaccine but allowed it to be administered (under duress) as they needed their jobs. The vaccinator was so distressed that she resigned from her job.

On Tuesday, as I listened to people relating what happened to them since that horrible day, I agreed wholeheartedly with NZDSOS that we must never forget.

It must not be swept under the carpet.  They cannot talk about amnesty.  Who would pardon whom?

Many of us ended up in a local café at the Mount called Gratitude, one which incidentally did not discriminate during the Covid lockdowns and mandates. We made new friends.

There needs to be an independent public inquiry into the whole Covid response by Jacinda Ardern and Ashleigh Bloomfield, the Director-General of Health, to look into the whole way this medical experiment was handled in New Zealand.

Meetings were held around the country:

Whangarei: Laurie Hall Park, Bank St

Auckland: Aotea Square

Hamilton: Civic Square, Garden Place

Te Awamutu: The Anzac Green cnr Bank & Teasdale sts

Bay of Plenty: Old Phoenix Carpark, Mt Manganui, Downtown

Wellington: Civic Square

Masterton: Queen Elizabeth 2 park (Outside Coco’s)

Levin: Adventure playground

Hawkes Bay: Hastings Library, Forecourt Area

Nelson: Cathedral Steps City Centre

Motueka: Thorpe St Park (New World)

Blenheim: Seymour Square

Christchurch: Hagley Park, opposite the hospital

Hokitika: Cass Square by the Remembrance Memorial

Dunedin: Queens Gardens

Queenstown: Queenstown Gardens

Wanaka: Dinosaur Park, Lake Front
